Another crash on death road

ANOTHER potentially-tragic car crash in King Offa Way has revived calls for safety barriers and speed-calming measures.

A motorist lost control of his Honda Prelude and bounced off safety barriers then the central reservation as he headed westbound at around 6pm on November 6.

He finally came to rest by slamming into two parked cars outside Gilbert House - the spot of two fatal crashes in as many months, the last being in February.

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On that occasion,, 25-year-old Stuart Doe was killed when his speeding car left the road, careered down the bank and smashed into Gilbert House, injuring shocked residents Jackie and Graham Carpenter.

A Fatal Accident Investigation report following that crash recommended a raft of safety measures for King Offa Way, including a speed camera and a safety barrier to protect properties and pedestrians using footpaths.

It said the cobbled area preceeding the layby in front of Gilbert House could act as a 'launch pad' for speeding vehicles leaving the road.

The news was a victory for the Bexhill Observer's Safety Barriers Now Campaign, which was supported by MP Greg Barker.

But six months on nothing has been done.

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Furious residents are now demanding action to prevent further tragedies.

Gilbert House resident David Gilbert, said: "We were very lucky not to have had another tragedy here. That car could so easily have end up careering down that bank and into the flats again. I was driving home when I saw the police and ambulance and just prayed it wasn't my family.

"The next time it could be my wife and son or a child walking along the footpath when it happens. The investigation report said it was unsafe and recommended all these measures yet nothing has happened and we've been told nothing.