Bexhill Town Forum at DLWP

A 'Question Time' format will feature as part of the new-look Bexhill Town Forum to be held at the De La Warr Pavilion on June 22.

Members of the audience will be able to quiz a panel of councillors and others on the subject of recreation and leisure in Bexhill.

If successful, the format will be employed at other forum meetings, each focussing on a specific topic for discussion.

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Sponsored by Hastings Local, the Bexhill-based walk-in branch of insurance giant Hastings Direct, the forum has been booked for the next four meetings at the Pavilion.

A recent change in the constitution of the forum now allows for any member of the public to attend meetings and vote on proposals.

Anyone wishing to ask a question should submit it to the forum in advance, but supplementary questions will also be taken from the audience.

Bexhill Town Forum chairman Paul Plim said: "This is your chance to ask the councillors who represent you what they are doing to make Bexhill a better place to live and work in.

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"I think holding the council to account is an important part of the forum's role, but we can only do that if people come along and participate.