
Icklesham Trust AGM: Tonight ,Friday 5 December,The Trust, which manages both The Memorial Hall and the Pavilion for the community, has its AGM in the Hall. Drinks and nibbles will be available from 7pm. This will be a chance to meet the committee and voice any questions which you may have. The AGM starts at 7.30.

The Robin Hood Bonfire Society presentations: Immediately after the AGM The Society will be presenting its charity cheques to various local organisations.

Christmas Craft Fair: Tomorrow, Saturday 6 December, from 10am until 2.30pm in the Memorial Hall. Every table in the Hall is booked. There will be an assortment of locally handmade crafts including children’s, clothes,hats,scarves,gloves,chutneys and preserves,wreaths,,jewellery and charity Christmas cards and stationery. The local Art Group will also have drawings and paintings for sale. There will be a tombola and refreshments. If you don’t know the village the Hall is close to the A259 and is next to the Recreation Ground with its free parking and children’s play ground.

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