
Burwash newsBurwash news
Burwash news
Love Burwash: Last Saturday morning large groups of wonderful volunteers of all ages gathered in Burwash at the Bear, The Wheel Inn Burwash Weald and The triangle of Vicarge road/Vicarage Lane in Burwash Commom. Here they were split into small groups and sent round the villages to wash road signs, cut back vegetation pick up litter and generally give our three village a good spring clean. It was great to see that so many feel the villages are worth looking after and they have done a fabulous job. Well done everyone and thank you to the Clerk to the Parish council for organising this again. We will always be grateful to the Late Jackie Nash who’s original idea this was.

Jumble: The Burwash Guides and Brownies held another successful jumble sale last weekend. There was masses of items to browse through, thanks to everyone who donated. Thank you also to the few parents who went along to man the stalls. Although there wasn’t enough help those that did coped admirably. There was a good crowd of people turned out to have a rummage and pick up a bargain and helped to raise just over £200 for the Guides funds.

Bateman’s: Tomorrow and Sunday Bateman’s are holding a Mother’s Day craft weekend. A chance to make your own gift for your mum in a million, you could take her along and treat her to a lovely lunch in the Mulberry Tea room. The event is on from 11am to 4pm. Enjoy the beauty of the Spring in the gardens, seeing it waken from its winter slumber. For more details about events call 01435 882302 or visit the website at www.nationaltrust.org.uk/Bateman’s