Your letters - September 24

We enjoy reading your letters - e-mail them to [email protected]

A blend of ideas

THE comments about Bexhill "progress" expressed regularly in the Observer seem a little polarised. It is actually possible to want more useage of the DLWP and also to be in favour of its modern art and music initiatives.

I suspect that a lot of people don't want an entirely futuristic enviroment or alternatively a "back to the future" 50s tea dance approach but simply a creative and satisfying blend of all these factors.

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For whatever reason that does not seem to fit in with the ruling structures who have their own agendas.

Once the DLWP balances its books there seems little incentive to open up more or broaden the remit.

Lets face it, a council that wanted to put a ground-breaking (pun intended) shopping complex in a hole on the promenade facing the winter weather is unlikely to be sensible about the seafront shelters (or anything else for that matter).

It's the inconsistency and obfuscation that is the most annoying.

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I've been told many times that the useful and stylish glass screens around the Pavilion were a later addition (although I thought I saw them on the original model at the Design Museum in 1999) and Pat Bruce's letter (September 10) seemed to confirm they were in place at the opening - she should know

Dee Wilson-Perry (September 17) would like them to be replaced. Good idea but "fat chance" I'm afraid, The architects wanted "clean open lines" and what about other users on roller skates/blades etc?

I'm not against them either (within reason) but it's not a relaxed or quiet activity is it?

There now seems to be a Health and Safety initiative to put in more handrails around the Colonnade in case someone takes a rather unlikely dive down the steps (and presumably sues).

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Meanwhile the railing gaps on the top deck at the Pavilion remain a severe risk to young children. A bit of clear plastic sheet or rod would solve this.

Given that a child escaped serious injury from a falling door closer when the DLWP re-opened, you might imagine that some priority would be given to the rail issue. It is quite a common topic of concern in local conversation about the DLWP.

Other social centres such as the Sailing Club have been required to fit netting to the rails (and that's just one floor up). Perhaps the rules are different if you are listed?

I'll lighten the mood by declining into some excruciating verse to sum things up (almost) in the style of an early Shakespearian couplet- "Perhaps in Bexhill there is unavoidable division - between the hosts of common sense and those simply with a mission!"


Rotherfield Avenue


Councillors' expenses

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IT has come to my attention that the majority of the public are completely unaware of the minimum amount paid to councillors and how they use and/or misuse their expenses/allowances. This information can be easily obtained from the Town Hall and Freedom of Information.

Last year the minimum amount given to each councillor was 10,500.

The councillors do not have to produce for receipts; if they have, for argument's sake, 5,000 left over at the end of the financial year they received another 10,500 instead of 5,500 to total 10,500.

No record is kept showing how much work they have done for their ward, so they could do absolutely nothing except attend functions where they are fed and watered at our expense.

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Some councillors state this allowance supplements their pension and yet the majority of the public are told to tighten their purse strings.

Multiply this minimum amount by the amounts of money paid to MPs and Prime Ministers who continue to get it wrong and you will see why the country is in such a mess. Another Guy Fawkes is needed; I believe he had the right idea.

Of course there are councillors who do work hard, do not make additional expense claims for pens, pencils, shoe leather and earn every penny, but there are many more who do not.

Marcia Linden

Martyns Way


Rowing club support

WE fully endorse Mark Mitchell's letter (Observer September 17: the Bexhill Rowing Club are to be congratulated on their highly successful season).

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Wimbleball Lake was always going to be a tough competion but the crews trained hard and they can hold their heads high in the knowledge that they did their very best.

We know from first-hand experience how hard the rowers train, starting very early in the morning and then having to go to work, then often training again after work.

Many people will know how successful Bexhill Rowing Club has been over a number of years. The development of their boathouse will give them new premises, but the club is expected to fully equip it at a cost of approximately 70.000. We would hope that local businesses and individuals alike would agree that this cause is well worth supporting.

Once again many congratulations to Bexhill Rowing Club and good luck for 2011.

Clive and Heather Garland

St James Close


French market

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THIS year we had our busiest and most successful market, the sun shone most of last weekend and even the strong wind on Sunday did not prove too much of a problem.

How good it was to see the centre of town so very busy with shoppers and visitors on both Saturday and Sunday. Lots of visitors were in town enjoying the market, our shops and a day by the sea. The cafes and restaurants were really busy all weekend.

The promenade and DLWP were enjoyed by thousands of people taking advantage of the lovely weather.

There were many visitors from out of town (we know this by the questions they ask us).

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Good to see so many people with bags of shopping from the shops as well as the market.

This is what we need, plenty of visitors to our town to help our town centre traders.

Several of the stall holders are existing town centre businesses and we know they

benefited by promoting their businesses at the market.

This market only takes place because of

the goodwill of so many people and organisations.

Many, many thanks to the Bexhill 100 Motoring Club for providing such good, experienced marshals, many thanks to Rother District Council for help and assistance.

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A big thank you to Verdant for the street cleaning, morning and evening.

Grateful thanks to our local police for just "being there".

Many thanks to Brian Storkey who, using all his expertise on event management, works for hours on this market.

Thanks to Stagecoach for sending us all details of revised routes and providing a temporary bus stop on Marina '“ it is really helpful for passengers.

Many thanks to C-Side cafe and No 48 caf for providing the refreshments for the marshals and traders '“ much appreciated by all.

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Thank you to the traders and residents of Devonshire Road for parking your vehicles elsewhere and for generally putting up with the disruption this market can cause you.

Most of all, thank you to the residents of Bexhill, without your support this market would not be worthwhile, we asked you to support your town centre '“ and thousands of you did '“ thank you.

Sue Spice

Bexhill Chamber of Commerce and Tourism

"What a mess"

IN querying the suggested popularity of the Tomako Takahashi exhibition, has M Coleman (Questions over figure) missed the central point?

I visited the exhibition with my wife and grandson.

In circulating the various rooms and exhibits, I wrestled to reconcile the significance and meaning of the juxtaposition of everyday detritus, working clocks with broken toys, photo collages with Freshfelds waste recycling centre's finest.

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Enlightenment arrived with my 2 year old grandson Logan's uncomplicated observation - "What a mess".

To which I can only add .... "And what a waste of money".

Eurostar to Paris for the new Monet exhibition is a far better bet.


Plemont Gardens


Thanks for lady's help

I WISH to thank the lady who came to my rescue on Friday, September 17 when I unwittingly threw myself from the kerb to the road in Park Avenue.

I was reassured by her presence and the fact that she waited until I was perpendicular until she left.