
Mary Reeve, Wodens Wood, Cripps Corner

Tomorrow (Saturday) at 2pm in Staplecross village hall the committee is offering the chance for us all to sort out all those items for which we have no need and donate them to the first jumble sale of the year. There promises to be great bargains and anyone either with items to donate or offers to help will be most welcome. Donations may be dropped off in the morning, or collected by ringing 01580-830704 or 830570. A lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes by the committee to ensure that the hall is in good order for the many activities that take place during the year and this jumble sale is an excellent way of raising funds to enable the good work to continue.

The Ambulance Service has an important tip for those who carry mobiles and are unfortunate to be involved in an accident or taken ill. There is a scheme for contact to be made to family/friend by inserting ICE (for In Case of Emergency) into your phone memory list. By inserting in your contacts list ICE in front of the number (if more than one contact, simply enter ICE1, ICE2, etc ) for those person(s) needed to be contacted urgently this will enable the ambulance, hospital, police to notify the relevant contact without delay.

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