Walk-in health facility to move out of Hastings town centre

Station Plaza Health Centre, Hastings. SUS-150408-094513001Station Plaza Health Centre, Hastings. SUS-150408-094513001
Station Plaza Health Centre, Hastings. SUS-150408-094513001
Walk-in health facilities are set to move out of both Hastings and Eastbourne town centres next year.

Instead they will be co-located with A&E departments at both Hastings’ Conquest Hospital and Eastbourne’s District General Hospital as part of plans for new urgent treatment centres (UTCs).

The new facilities will combine A&E primary care streaming, GP out of hours base visits, urgent care walk-in and will also offer bookable appointments.

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The UTCs would be open 24 hours a day throughout the whole year and are anticipated to be ready by April 2019.

Currently walk-in facilities are provided at Eastbourne Station Health Centre and Hastings’ Station Plaza Health Centre.

Due to concerns about the potential impact the changes will have on groups who are more likely to use the walk-in centres, both clinical commissioning groups have agreed to hold a public consultation later this year.