War-time evacuee traced

AN OBSERVER appeal on behalf of a Manchester author to help trace a fellow war-time evacuee has come up trumps.

Author Sylvia McHale had hoped to trace Daphne Le Friec after she read a letter in a national newspaper which Daphne had written. In the letter Daphne said she was a native of Guernsey and, like Sylvia, had been evacuated to Tottington, near Bury Lancashire, during World War Two.

The letter gave Daphne's address as Bexhill on Sea.

Sylvia wrote a book on her war-time experiences as an evacuee called, 'Time to Stand and Stare' '“ Tottington Memories 1939-1943. Many fellow evacuees, who lived in or around Tottington, were from the Channel Islands and Sylvia had hoped to make contact with Daphne in order to share their experiences.

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