Independent Venue Week gigs in Worthing

tayo soundtayo sound
tayo sound
It’s Independent Venue Week in Worthing with a host of talent heading to the town.

Worthing-based promoter atom is hosting three nights of live music featuring a number of the UK’s most exciting new artists – specially curated events bringing together pop, indie, punk, rock, singer-songwriters, rap and hip hop at The Factory Live. Tickets are available on

Wednesday offered The Clockworks and Cheap Teeth; Thursday, February 3 offers Finn Foxell and Kay Young; and Friday, February 4 offers Emily Burns and Tayo Sound.

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Dandi Monteiro, from atom, said: “There is a programme called Independent Venue Week which is about venues that are less likely to get the bigger acts. The week means that you can get the bigger acts in the smaller venues.

“Worthing is not like a well-known town and it is unlikely to get the bigger artists wanting to come here. The venues are not as well known as London or Brighton so this is giving a push to the smaller venues in the smaller towns so that everybody has access to this kind of artist. For Independent Venue Week we are able to get the kinds of artists that are perhaps bigger in London. We started planning this in October and we have been planning and promoting and organising it since then.

“Finn Foxell is quite popular on the young scene in hip hop.

“Worthing has a bit of that but not a lot and I think there are lots of people that are ready for it. I would not say that he is a celebrity yet but he is getting bigger and bigger and getting more difficult to book.”