Plan to pedestrianise part of Eastbourne town centre scrapped

Eastbourne town centre: Terminus Road SUS-200408-154223001Eastbourne town centre: Terminus Road SUS-200408-154223001
Eastbourne town centre: Terminus Road SUS-200408-154223001
A plan to pedestrianise a stretch of road in Eastbourne town centre has been scrapped.

A project to close part of Bolton Road and Langney Road to traffic between 10am-10pm seven days a week was included in an emergency active travel plan and expected to come into force in September.

But East Sussex County Council revealed this week that it is unlikely to proceed with the plan.

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A final decision will be made by the county council’s lead member for transport Claire Dowling at a meeting on Monday.

A spokesperson said the project was being shelved due to ‘significant concerns raised by taxi operators due to loss of rank space and limited opportunity for providing space short term elsewhere’.,

The spokesperson said, “There were also concerns raised about the loss of disabled bays and limited alternative provision and concerns about deliveries.

“It is considered that the impacts of closure are too significant to proceed.

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“While we have a more comprehensive solution in terms of Phase 2 improvements which involve making part of Bolton Road and Langney Road two way with retention of taxi, loading and disabled parking, the temporary closure of Bolton Road and Langney Road along their full lengths and the impacts this would have on access for taxis, disabled and delivery vehicles means we can’t proceed.”

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