Bognor youngsters put on stage show

Dozens of youngsters from Bognor Regis have been given the opportunity to improve their confidence by dancing and singing in their own stage show.

Curtain Call, a youth group for 13 to 21-year-olds, performed their show, Musical Express, at the Alexandra Theatre in Bognor last Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Most of the group had little or no performing experience before the show, but their teacher, Beverley Warren, insisted it was the kids' commitment rather than their skill that was the most important thing.

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"All we want is their enthusiasm and will to perform and we'll do the rest. This isn't the West End," she said.

"Some of the children are painfully shy when they begin, but by the end they're brimming with confidence and are proud of what they've achieved."

Rehearsals began in June and lasted for 14 weeks, during which the children developed their skills individually and as a group, often dramatically transforming in the process.

The group formed four years ago when parents from the area approached Beverley and told her their children wanted to sing and dance but had nowhere to perform.

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"The kids wanted to perform, but there were no groups for them. Having worked in the industry my whole life the parents felt I might be able to help them."

Beverley, 56, from Bognor, has proved an impressive role model for her students, having had a glamorous dance career that has seen her work with many of the greats and travel across the world.

During her career, she spent nine years as the can-can soloist at the famed Moulin Rouge and performed with legends Ginger Rogers, Jerry Lewis and The Village People.

Drawing from her wealth of experience, she helped to start the group with volunteers to offer youngsters the opportunity to perform.

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Previous performances of shows such as West Side Story have taken place at the opening of Hotham Park and the Worthing Carnival, where the group have won the performance prize for the past three years.

The show's success has continued to grow, but Beverley stressed they were constantly looking for performers and, in difficult financial times, sponsors.

The next round of auditions for 2010's show begins in January, but Beverley is keen to point out that those interested should not be afraid.

"It's not scary.

"It doesn't matter if they can't sing or dance. We just want the kids to have fun."

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