COUNTY NEWS: Sea temperatures across Sussex higher than California

Summer in the sunshine at the West Wittering Beach Estate in West Sussex              Picture: Derek MartinSummer in the sunshine at the West Wittering Beach Estate in West Sussex              Picture: Derek Martin
Summer in the sunshine at the West Wittering Beach Estate in West Sussex Picture: Derek Martin
We have already got California's gleaming sunshine, relentless heat and bronzed, rippling torsos and now Sussex has the balmy sea to boot, with figures showing sea temperatures along the Sussex coast today are higher than Malibu Beach.

Figures from four buoys stretching from Bracklesham Bay in the west to Pevensey Bay in the east show an average water temperature of 21.25 degrees Celsius, according to Channel Coastal Observatory, compared to 20.6 degrees Celsius on Malibu Beach.

Sussex sea temperatures are a match for any of the famous sandy beaches along the American West Coast this summer, so it is no wonder people are flocking to the seaside.

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Channel Coastal Observatory is a monitoring programme that collects data on the UK’s coasts such as sea temperature, wave heights and tidal information.

Its Bracklesham Bay buoy, south of Chichester, leads the way with a temperature of 22.1 degrees Celsius, while Rustington’s shows 21.8, Seaford 20.5 and Pevensey Bay 20.6.

Every region shows significantly higher than average readings – the July average for Sussex is usually 18.1 degrees Celsius, more than three degrees cooler than today.

The extreme temperatures are set to continue for the rest of the week according to the Met Office, but thunderstorms could provide welcome, somewhat tropical, relief.

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Sussex has a long way to go before reaching the highs of Miami Beach, which today has hit a whopping 29.4 degrees Celsius – not ideal for people looking to cool down with a gentle dip.

American sea temperature information has been sourced from

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