Eastbourne MP urges Government to rethink school spending cuts

Eastbourne MP Caroline Ansell speaking in Parliament SUS-160709-094144001Eastbourne MP Caroline Ansell speaking in Parliament SUS-160709-094144001
Eastbourne MP Caroline Ansell speaking in Parliament SUS-160709-094144001
The Eastbourne and Willingdon MP is urging the Government to find more money for East Sussex schools or face a funding crisis.

A former teacher, Caroline Ansell has been working behind the scenes organising meetings with local headteachers and education ministers to try to persuade Whitehall to change its mind over an 8 per cent on average reduction in school budgets in real terms.

She said she agrees with the schools that the reduction will lead to fewer resources in the classroom, despite recent fairer finding proposals meaning every school in Eastbourne except the free school, Gildredge House, will receive more money per pupil.

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Mrs Ansell said, “It seems the Government has given with one hand in Eastbourne on this issue in the form of fairer funding, which is great news, but then taken with the other with these budget reductions.

“As a former teacher, I am acutely aware of the pressures headteachers are under and I have worked with them and ministers to ensure this was heard at the highest level.

“However, it appears these reductions will happen. I understand fully we must balance our budget and cut the deficit, but education remains absolutely crucial to our future prosperity and the opportunities it gives young people to become the success stories of tomorrow.

“I also understand some of the pressures come from the Government’s introduction of a national minimum wage and pension enrolment, which is good news for some very low paid people in education, but these welcome announcements should have come with transitional payments to avoid sudden pain for schools.

“I have made my views clear to ministers these reductions should not happen and I support local headteachers in their opposition to them.”