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Church matters: There is one service in the parish this Sunday, which is Morning Praise at St Andrew's at 10.30 am, with guest speaker the Rev Kay Burnett. Maureen Baines will be leading the service.

MOPPs today and next Friday: Today, Friday, January 20, Ken Brooks will be the guest speaker, telling of ‘Hastings in Wartime’. His talk will be followed by a lunch of chicken wrapped in bacon, and then stewed apple with custard. Hope you’ve all got enough points left to cover your dinner.

Next Friday, January 27, there’ll be Celia King along with her chair-based exercises, to be followed by a nice lunch of roast lamb, with rice pudding with jam to follow.

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A bit of a sad note within Co-ordinator Robert Pasterfield’s New Year newsletter, where he says he’s afraid he has to remind you that this is probably his last Newsletter. Carolyn Smyth joined MOPP’s as their new Co-ordinator on Friday, January 6, and Robert will be working with her during this first month of the year to familiarise her with the role and introduce her to everyone. I am sure you will join in welcoming Carolyn to MOPP’s and wishing her every success.

It is Robert’s intention to stay on as a volunteer, but he just doesn’t want to do the paperwork any more! In the last three years he reckons he has learned a lot and met ‘lots of lovely people who have genuinely touched my heart. Everyone at MOPP is very special to me so I’m delighted to be able to say that it’s not goodbye and that I will still be able to join you every Friday. I would also like to thank everyone for their support while I was Co-ordinator although I think laughing at some of my jokes was beyond the call of duty!!’ Well, that’s the feelings and thanks from his point of view, but there are countless friends among MOPP’s volunteers and members who would wish to thank Robert for all his input and work, to congratulate him, and to express how glad they are he will still be around. Thanks, Robert!

Tonight’s the night: Already on to their second session of 2017, the Bowls Club’s Whist Drives continue in the village hall this evening. You know the drill – be there by 6.45 for 7 pm start – as there’s a lot to get through in one short evening.

Time’s getting short, Red Riding Hood: Only a week to go now before this year’s village panto takes to the boards – six days until the Thursday opening night, which is the only one of the four performances where you can be pretty sure of getting a seat. So do go along o the Post Office and secure whatever booking you are fortunate enough to be offered, in a year where the demand is particularly heavy. Next Thursday and Friday evenings, at 7.30 pm, plus the Saturday matinee at 2.30 pm has ticket prices at £6 for adults and £3 for children, but you’ll hav