Family with young children forced to flee home

Family has to flee homeFamily has to flee home
Family has to flee home
A FAMILY with two young children was forced to flee its Angmering home when arsonists struck.

A neighbour woke the family in the early hours, having spotted a fire in the garden of the property in Decoy Drive.

The fire destroyed two sheds and damaged two mopeds stored alongside.

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The family of four, including a baby, fled from the house for safety but firefighters were able to put out the flames before they spread.

Police are appealing for information on the arson attack, which happened shortly before 4am on Wednesday.

Sergeant Ian Cheesman said: “We believe the fire was started deliberately so need to speak to anyone who saw or heard anyone acting suspiciously in Decoy Drive late on Tuesday night or early on Wednesday morning.

“This has been a very upsetting incident for the family, especially as they have two young children.

“If you have any information at all, please contact us.”

Email [email protected] quoting serial 111 of 25/03, call 101 or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

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