Lancing tagging battle begins

POLICE have released a series of photographs in a bid to stop a spate of vandalism before it gets out of hand.

The Herald recently ran an appeal for information after graffiti tags '“ marks left by vandals '“ were etched into glass around Lancing.

On Monday, January 19, police passed these pictures to the Herald as police in a bid to stop the damage.


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PC James Welham, of Lancing police, said: "The main victims of this recent spate seem to be commercial premises, mainly shops in South Street.

"However, there have also been some cars damaged in the surrounding area.

"The vandals seem to be etching their tags into glass.

"This is virtually impossible to remove and involves replacing the damaged glass .

"Graffiti is an illegal and anti-social activity, that apart from causing damage and using expensive resources to remove, also creates a negative impression of an area that contributes to people's fear of crime and also devalues property."


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PC Welham added graffiti seemed to attract more graffiti, with offenders adding to tags left on property.

"There seems to be a culture of one-upsmanship, where one person leaves his tag and someone else comes along and does their own tag over it," said PC Welham.

"In order to resolve this problem, and before it becomes out of hand, it needs to be nipped in the bud."

Anyone with information about the recent spate of graffiti should contact police at Lancing, by calling 0845 6070999.


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