Your Letters - April 18

We welcome your letters - email them to [email protected] include your name and address if your letter is for publication.

PO despair

I COULD not believe what I read in the Bexhill Observer last Friday (April 11) that Collington Mansions post office was in fact closing after all the obvious false information that was issued earlier.

Some businesses deserve to close or finish as the owners are not competent, foolish, bullies and generally unpleasant people but the owners and staff at the Collington post office deserve better.

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They have run a busy public service with efficiency and proper customer relations and if the office is closing on purely economic grounds this says a lot for our uncaring society today and sums up today's ethics.

I do not particularly blame the people who have to implement the changes and it is probably down to a system that we have created whereby money rules above matters of public service.

Any sensible peron who uses the office will be aware just how busy the office is and just what impact this will have on the local community. Enough has been said about the pressure the main post office is already under and I can already hear voices saying there is another one at Windmill Drive.

I truly despair, but wish the owners and staff at Collington all the very best for the future and trust that they will continue in some way with their efforts.

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A shame on our society - perhaps one day we will all be aware of the mistakes we have made in the past by building where common sense dictates we should not and implement changes for the pure sake of economies and stupidness.


Eastwood Road

We're sorry

HOW sad I was to read this week in the Bexhill Observer about the closure of Collington Mansions post office.

They will be sadly missed. We have used this post office for years and they were always helpful, we were not just a number but friends.

How can they say it was not a busy post office?

I am sure everyone who used this post office would like to wish them well and say sorry.


Hastings Road

Square deal?

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IN view of the confirmed closure of the Sub Post Office at Collington Mansions and therefore more pressure being put on the main Devonshire Square Post Office, is the council going to reconsider reinstating Devonshire Square for short-term (20 minutes) parking, "Post Office use only"? Or should it be two hours in view of the queues likely in the post office?

C. Martin

South Cliff

Clamp nuisance

WELL done to the taxi driver who had his car recovered from the retail park after being clamped.

I don't condone the alleged parking infringement but I detest wheel-clampers who will pounce on anyone at anytime and should be outdone at all cost.

With their typical don't care attitude and occupation I am surprised more don't end up wearing their clamps.

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A pal of mine after being clamped in London hailed a cab to a hire shop and rented a heavy-duty bolt cropper, he returned this wonderful instrument just ten minutes later in his own car.

If the clamp is damaged or even taken away I am with the driver all the way, if you place an item on someone's property, sometimes with damage to the vehicle and without asking you've lost it mate!

Paul Stewart

Duke Street

Bin dilemma

I NOTICED from last week's edition there are many people in the same boat as me.

Despite many many emails, telephone calls etc. to the council they still cannot get their heads round the fact that because they have changed the system it is not working.

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