Planning a holiday abroad next year? Don't listen to the Brexit scare stories

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From: Martin WellingsDirector, PST Travel, '¨Grove Road

Reading some of the national issues down here relating to Brexit, it is at least good that for once we cannot blame our own town councillors or officials for what appears to me – and I suspect the overwhelming majority of our population – to be a complete dog’s dinner of negotiations.

I am sure that whether one is a Brexiteer or Remainer, one thing that would be agreed upon by all – they would not want to disrupt their holiday next year, so I would like to take this opportunity of re-assuring your readers about paying heed to any of some of the more ridiculous scare stories.

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Probably one of the most outlandish, is the notion that all aeroplanes will be stuck on the tarmac unable to move after March 29, and apart from the highly unlikely event of another ash cloud from Iceland drifting into our airspace, everything I am certain will be absolutely normal.

As the UK has the largest airline network in Europe, I rather think that the airline bosses might have something to say about the idea of millions of pounds worth of equipment sitting idle!