In 18 pictures: Queen Camilla meets children at launch of Sussex literary festival

Queen Camilla was in Sussex this week to attend the opening event of the Charleston Festival on Thursday morning.

The festival is held at Charleston, near Lewes, which was home to Bloomsbury set writers and painters.

The Queen was at the opening event called the ‘Power of Reading’, which aims to celebrate the power of books and reading for children and young people. She join Children’s Laureate Joseph Coelho and local primary school children to celebrate the magic of children’s literature.

She joined Joseph Coelho on stage for a conversation about books they loved as children, followed by a reading from one of these children’s books. Young audience members had the opportunity to ask questions.

Her Majesty then joined a reception in the walled garden where she met schoolchildren, authors, speakers from the Festival, Charleston staff and supporters of Charleston and the Festival.

As an avid reader, The Queen has a strong interest in shining a spotlight on the importance of literacy and has long been recognised as an important supporter of literacy in the UK and internationally. As a grandmother, Her Majesty understands the joy of reading, but also the importance of literacy in creating life opportunities.

Queen Camilla has visited schools and libraries, as well as workplace reading schemes and prisons to see the work of adult literacy schemes. As Duchess of Cornwall she became Patron of several organisations which promote and support literacy including the National Literacy Trust, First Story, Coram Beanstalk and Booktrust.