Crackdown on housing fraud across Arun district

If you are subletting your council house you could lose your home if you are caught by Arun District Council's new housing fraud investigator.

The new post was appointed in January to check applications to join the housing register to see if they are genuine and is conducting unannounced visits to tenants suspected of subletting property and carrying out court-approved surveillance.

The annual cost of tenancy fraud across the country is £1.8 billion a year according to the National Fraud Authority.

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Councillor Roger Elkins, cabinet member for housing at Arun District Council, said: “I would urge those who have sublet their council home to consider handing back their keys to the local authority immediately.

“By taking this action the local authority is able to make homes available to people on the waiting list that really need them.

“The council encourages all genuine applications for housing and assesses each claim on its merits.”

As a result of this new role, the local authority anticipates bringing up to ten properties in the Arun district back into lawful use by the end of 2016.

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Residents are being urged to report housing fraud and look out for signs including if someone has a home the council does not know about, collecting rent from neighbours, or if tenants at a property are regularly changing.

If you have suspicions of tenancy fraud and live in the Arun district you can call housing fraud investigator on 01903 737878 or email [email protected]