Shoreham wheelie bins latest

NEW-STYLE bins are wheeling their way to Adur and Worthing '“ and they could even be micro-chipped to record what rubbish their owners put in them.

Adur district and Worthing borough councils' new multi-million-pound waste and recycling service moves a step nearer next week when the two authorities will decide on the size and colour of the wheelie bins and who should provide the new fleet of collection vehicles.

Councillors must also decide whether the new bins should have electronic chips.

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Chips are used to record rubbish and addresses. They are being used by several councils up and down the country.

The chips, however, would not be operational immediately if installed locally.

Adur and Worthing are stressing they are not considering buying the necessary software to read the chips in the new vehicles because of the cost. Although the government is encouraging local authorities to use chips, they have not said all councils must install chips now.