Viva Little Common

Organic dog biscuits, buckwheat pillows, ginger jam, petal tea and lemonsherbert bubble bath - just part of the eclectic mix at Viva in LittleCommon.

The shop opened its doors for the first time on Saturday with owner

Vivienne Job optimistic and looking forward to a healthy and organic

future in the village.

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She has just started filling the shelves in her shop on the premises of

the former newsagent and is planning to settle in before setting a date

for a grand opening.

So far she is stocking a wide range of goodies and essentials, from

herbal remedies and aromatic oils to household cleaners, shampoos,

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body lotions and babycare, but she is waiting to see what reaction she

has from customers and their ideas about what they would like to be

able to buy.

Vivienne said: "The range will expand. We have a suggestion box, so if

there are things people want that they can't already get in the

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village, then we can get them in. We have had a few suggestions

already and there has been a lot of interest locally.

"I have always wanted to work with these kinds of products, and always

wanted to know more about this. When I was passing this shop every day

and seeing it look quite derelict, I used to think what a waste because

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it has such a wonderful location. Then suddenly, it all gelled and

came together...I suppose I decided to do this just before Christmas,

and it has taken a lot of work by quite a few people to bring the shop

front up to scratch. But - blowing my own trumpet - I have one of the

nicest shops in Little Common now, so I am very pleased.

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"Little Common has offered me this new business opportunity."

Vivienne, who moved from London in August 2005, has become more

interested in organic and natural foods and remedies since using

chickweed and echinacea, on the advice of a herbalist, improved her own
