Witnesses and victim of Eastbourne street attack asked to contact police

Police want to hear from man who was punchedPolice want to hear from man who was punched
Police want to hear from man who was punched
Police would like to talk to witnesses to a violent incident outside a kebab shop in Eastbourne, and in particular to someone who was attacked but has not yet contacted officers.

At about 2am on Tuesday (November 8) there was altercation outside the Best Kebab shop in Langney Road, Eastbourne, in which a man leaving the shop punched a passer-by, and then punched another man who came to the aid of the first victim.

PC James Gardner said, “The first man has not yet contacted police and we would like to hear from him, at least to ensure that he is safe and well. The second man was not hurt.”

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If you were in the area at the time and witnessed the incident, or have any other information, please email [email protected] quoting serial 61 of 11/11.