General Election 2019 briefing: leaders clash over Brexit and NHS in first TV debate

The Prime Ministerial hopefuls were at loggerheads over a number of issues during an ITV debate which many have deemed inconsequential to the outcome of the election.

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn have clashed over Brexit during the first televised debate of the general election campaign.

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While Mr Johnson promised to “end this national misery”, Mr Corbyn’s focus was on stressing that Labour “get Brexit sorted by giving you, the people, the final say”.

Other significant topics during the debate included the NHS, The Royal Family, their potential leadership of the country and the future of Scotland.

However, political pundits have generally commented that neither Mr Johnson nor Mr Corbyn managed to assert themselves and land any knockout blows during the head-to-head.

And a YouGov poll found that 51 per cent of people believed Johnson had won, with 49 per cent opting for Corbyn, further indicating the tiny margin. ‘Don’t know’ answers were removed from the data.