Double bill for Lewes Live Literature

John Agard as Eugene OneginJohn Agard as Eugene Onegin
John Agard as Eugene Onegin
Lewes Live Literature presents a double bill at All Saints Centre on Tuesday 26 June at 7.45pm: 'Pushkin's Half Hour' by John Agard and 'The Devil's Storybook' by Annika Brown.

Spokesman Mark Hewitt said: “In 'Pushkin's Half Hour’ we see Lewes’s Caribbean-British poet John Agard as we’ve never seen him before. A whirlwind satirical homage to Pushkin's verse novel, Eugene Onegin in which he plays all the parts, not just Pushkin and his alter ego Onegin, but love interest Tatyana and the old nursemaid Filipevna! With live incidental music by Sophia Poznansky and a Russian musical intro by Pam Hewitt.

“In The Devil's Storybook Experience, singer/songwriter and cabaret artist Annika Brown takes us on a lyrical journey through hell and back. Be entertained by a wicked sequence of extracts from her four-star reviewed show, featuring original edgy songs interlinked with snippets of John Agard’s devilish poetry. Annika Brown (guitar & voice) will be accompanied by Tom Evans (accordion).”

Date/time: Tuesday 26 June, 7:45pm

£8 advance / £10 door

Tickets/details online from or call 0797 203 7612

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